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Stamp Dealers: F
Falkland Collectibles
Falkland Islands, their Dependencies, South Georgia and the British Antarctic Territory.
Online auctions, US First Day Covers, Presidential Inaugurals, WWII Patriotics.
The Folded Letter
U.S. Postal History & Covers. U.S. Advertising Covers & Trade Cards, Antique Stamp Boxes & Postal Scales, and Other Ephemera.
Stamp Dealers: F
Frank Bachenheimer
Fine and better United States stamps, specializing in pre-1940, Revenues, U.S. Possessions from Canal Zone to Puerto Rico.
Frank Geiger Philatelists
Asia, British Empire/Commonwealth, Booklets, Japan, Netherlands, New Issues, Topicals, Western Europe, World Wide, Year Sets
U.S. & worldwide postal history.
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