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Stamp Catalogues

The Major League

Michel - Germany

Michel publishes a wide range of German, European, all-world and specialized and catalogues. The Michel catalogues are the standard reference in Germany and throughout much of Europe.

Scott - USA

The Scott Catalogue is made up of eight volumes and lists more than 600,000 individual stamps from more than 600 different countries. The company also produces Specialized catalogues for United States stamps, and for classic world stamps issued in philately's first 100 years. Each year improvements and modifications are made to the catalogue.
The Scott catalogues are the standard reference in the USA.

Stanley Gibbons - UK

Stanley Gibbons publishes the whole range of Great Britain, British Commonwealth, all-world, one-country, specialized and thematic (topical) catalogues. The Gibbons catalogues are the standard reference in the UK and many other countries.

Yvert & Tellier - France

Yvert & Tellier publishes a range of French, European, Overseas and specialized catalogues. The Y&T catalogues are the standard reference in France and French-speaking countries.

Stamp Catalogues

Other Catalogue Publishers

AFA - Denmark

Catalogues of Denmark, Scandinavia and Western Europe.

Bale - Israel

Israel and Palestine specialized catalogues.

Brusden-White Publishing - Australia

Publishers of the Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue.

Domfil - Spain

One-country and topical catalogs (multilingual).

J. Barefoot - UK

Various one-country revenues catalogues - standard reference guides for revenue collectors.

Seamark - UK

Publishers of the Seamark Illustrated Catalogue of Lighthouse Stamps.

Sliema Stamp Shop - Malta

Publishers of The JB Catalogue of Malta Stamps and Postal History.

Unitrade - Canada

Publishers of the Unitrade Specialized Catalogue of Canadian Stamps.

Walsh's Philatelic Service - Canada

Publishers of the Newfoundland Specialized Stamp Catalogue.