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Glass Collectors' Organizations

American Cut Glass Association

The American Cut Glass Association is a non-profit organization devoted to the study and research of American Brilliant Cut Glass. Whether you are a new collector or a long-time collector, ACGA has a lot to offer you as a member.

Early American Pattern Glass Society

The Society was formed in November of 1994 to foster and encourage the collection, appreciation, study , and documentation of early American pattern glassware, its makers, and its place in American life, past and present. It is a non-profit group of collectors and dealers who share an interest in Early American Pattern Glass. Membership is in excess of 700 people in the United States and Canada who collect a broad spectrum of glassware manufactured primarily from 1850 to 1915.
A quarterly publication, The News Journal, is devoted to articles about Early American Pattern Glass and related topics. The Society also publishes a membership directory that includes a list of patterns and forms collected by members to facilitate sharing and exchange of information.

Fenton Art Glass Collectors of America

An association dedicated to learning more about Fenton glass. Members receive the Butterfly Net, the newsletter of the FAGCA six times a year. This publication includes informative articles on Fenton glass and special advertising listings by FAGCA members showings items wanted or for sale. It also features a color page of rare Fenton Art Glass.

International Perfume Bottle Association

The IPBA is the largest organization worldwide of people who collect and deal in the incredible variety of beautiful containers of perfume: commercials, atomizers, art glass, Czechs, mini's, Victorian, novelties, and many others. Find out about the organization, the people who make it great, and information about perfume and scent bottles (with photos).

Glass Collectors' Organizations

National American Glass Club

The National American Glass Club is an international organization for those interested in the study and appreciation of glass, regardless of type, period or origin.

National Depression Glass Association

Membership and club information. Photos of depression-era glass. History and other information of interest to collectors.

National Imperial Glass Collectors Society

The National Imperial Glass Collectors' Society is dedicated to furthering awareness of the American glass industry and of the Imperial Glass Corporation.

Paperweight Collectors Association of Texas

A non-profit organization to encourage the understanding and appreciation of the glass paperweight art form.

The Paperweight Collectors Association

The Paperweight Collectors' Association (PCA) is a nonprofit organization of more than 1600 members worldwide. Membership includes artists, dealers, collectors, museums, and libraries. Members range from those owning one or two inexpensive paperweights to those with large and valuable collections. The PCA is organized to promote interest and appreciation of art glass paperweights.

The Stretch Glass Society

A National organization devoted to the beautiful iridescent glassware of the 1920's and 1930's.

Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc.

Vaseline Glass Collectors, Inc. is a non-profit organization to educate and unify Vaseline Glass collectors everywhere.